Lewisville Lake
Fort Worth District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Lewisville Lake Project Office
1801 N. Mill St.
Lewisville, Texas 75057
Phone: (469) 645-9100
Fax: (469) 645-9101
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District welcomes you to Lewisville Lake, located in Lewisville, Texas. Our missions are to provide flood risk management to the Dallas metro area, store water for the city of Dallas and manage the recreation and natural resources around the lake.
Lewisville Lake is a part of the Trinity Regional Project. The Trinity Regional Project is a cluster of seven local lakes: Bardwell, Benbrook, Grapevine, Joe Pool, Lavon, Lewisville and Ray Roberts. A team of managers, administrators, park rangers, natural resource specialists and engineering technicians work together to manage the recreation, natural resources, and civil works facilities for all seven of these lakes.
Adjacent Landowner Information
The U. S Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for managing Lewisville Lake for multiple purposes including flood damage reduction, water conservation, environmental stewardship, and outdoor recreation. Ecosystem based management and conservation of natural resources and wildlife habitat is given primary consideration in all management decisions.
While private exclusive use of public land is not permitted, property owners adjacent to public land have the same pedestrian privileges as any other citizen and may be granted permission to perform certain activities in the interest of public safety. Therefore, the information contained in these guidelines is designed to acquaint the adjoining landowner, and other interested persons, with allowable activities and the types of property involved in the management of the Trinity Project lakes.
Water Lines
- A permit to withdraw water must be obtained from the Dallas Water Utilities. A copy of this permit must be submitted, along with the completed Application, to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Elm Fork Project Office, 1801 N. Mill St., Lewisville, TX 75057.
- All electrical installations must comply with the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), the National Electrical Code (NEC) and ER 1101-2-4401, clearance for power and communication lines over reservoirs.
- Jet pump installations may be used if the pump and motor assembly are placed on private property. Suction lines placed in the lake must be buried.
- Water intake velocity may not exceed .5 feet per second to protect small fish in the area. A larger intake foot or screen may be used to decrease the velocity.
- Project personnel must personally inspect proposed installation site to determine potential damage to vegetation, tree roots or obvious archeological resources, this includes during construction and a post inspection to ensure compliance of the issued permit license.
- A durable metal tag, with name and address, must be attached to any exposed waterline, making it possible to identify the owner when inspecting waterlines by boat. Generally, the tag will be attached to the waterline about 3 ft. above conservation pool.
- The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has acquired a flowage easement on land, which lies, at and below the 537.0’ elevation contour on Lewisville and at and below the 572.0' elevation contour on Grapevine. Written permission must be granted by the Corps of Engineers to place a structure, or to perform any work performed within the flowage easement.
Government Owned Land
Government Owned land is land which is owned in fee by the U.S. Government and consists of both the land inundated by Lewisville Lake at the pool elevation of 522 feet and a substantial amount of land above the 522 elevation. The U.S Boundary Line, the corners of which are marked with concrete markers, defines the limits of this public land. The boundary markers are generally topped with a brass cap, which is usually about 4 inches above ground level. Fencing in many areas around the lake also indicates the boundary line. As a general rule, land around Lewisville Lake at an elevation of or below 535 feet is owned in fee by the U.S. Government.
Municipalities, private corporations, adjacent landowners and others governmental and private interests may request easements, licenses, and leases on fee lands. Examples of this would be waterline licenses, road and sewer easements, and leases for marinas and other recreational facilities. The lake office can assist interested parties in submitting requests for using fee lands.