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Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 🔒 Staff Access

Our Goal

To provide services and maintain public infrastructure in a proactive, efficient, and cost-effective manner without jeopardizing the health of an employee and/or the quality of service we provide to the public.

This includes:

  • The operation and maintenance of the water treatment system.
  • The operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant.
  • The associated distribution and collection systems.
  • Maintenance and repair of the streets.
  • Maintenance and landscaping of municipal property including parks.

Under Construction / Future Projects

Water Well and Storage

At the April 2022 council meeting, the council will award the engineering contracts for a new deep well and a 300,000 gallon ground storage tank. Engineering will start immediately and the goal is to have the well operational by summer 2023. With only two wells operating for this summer, we have to implement an emergency water plan. The plan will target the use of in-ground irrigation systems. Irrigation is the reason our summer water usage is almost three times higher than winter. Our three biggest users of water are Carrie, Stowe, and Melody Lanes; their usage must be split-up, we cannot use "even-odd" types of restrictions. The goal of the plan is to avoid "spiking" the water system. Based on last years usage, if everyone follows the plan, we will use about the same amount of water each day. In this case, the system will be operating at about 90 percent of our pumping capacity (excluding the tanks), which is very tight, but manageable. You can help us by cutting back on your overall watering and most importantly spreading it out. So, for example, running your sprinklers for 20 minutes twice a week is much much better than running them for 40 minutes one day a week. With our water production reduced, we cannot recover quickly, so for consistency it inessential that you spread the irrigation out and don't spike the usage.

Trinity Well Construction Plans

Completed Projects

Road Replacement - Phase 2

NEW ROADS. On May 11th, 2020 the Lakewood Village Phase 2 Street Replacement Project officially started on Stowe Lane. Work is underway on utility relocates and construction staking is complete. Saw-cutting of the driveway approaches is currently underway. Milling will start on Monday May 18th. The current process calls for paving work and drainage pipe replacement to occur simultaneously. The steps in the process are:

  1. Milling. Removing the top 1-2 inches of chip & seal to expose the base/dirt. This will be done on the entire street, both lanes, full width. Other than avoiding the equipment during the day, you will have full access to your driveways. This should take about 2-3 days.
  2. Excavation. The underlying dirt will be removed to the specified depth of 12 to 18 inches depending on the designed depth of the new road. This will be full-width removal. This dirt will be removed and stockpiled at the wastewater plant. A dirt "ramp" will be created at your driveway approach to get you up and over the "hump". This should take approximately 5-7 days.
  3. Subgrade. The contractor will add six inches of road base and compact it. They will roll it and water it until it meets the specified compaction and moisture requirements. This will be over the entire full-width road and there will be some road dust. This will take approximately one week.
  4. Paving Preparation. Forms and rebar will be placed down one side of the street. At his time, the road will be a one-way street. You will still have access to your driveways as they will not install that rebar until the day of paving. I shouldn't have to say this but I will. You must put your trash can on the open side of the street if you want it to be picked up. The garbage truck is only driving down one side of the street. And the most obvious no-brainer, if you try and park your car on the street it will be towed immediately.
  5. Paving. We will pave one side of the street at a time. At least 48 hours prior to the pour, door-knockers will be placed at every house that is affected. On the morning of the pour, prior to 9 am you must get your car out of your driveway. As they start pouring concrete, they will run ahead and remove the dirt "ramp" in front of your driveway and place the rebar. We will be doing a continuous seamless pour down the street.

Road Replacement - Phase 1

NEW ROADS. On May 11th, 2020 the Lakewood Village Phase 2 Street Replacement Project officially started on Stowe Lane. Work is underway on utility relocates and construction staking is complete. Saw-cutting of the driveway approaches is currently underway. Milling will start on Monday May 18th. The current process calls for paving work and drainage pipe replacement to occur simultaneously. The steps in the process are:

  1. Milling. Removing the top 1-2 inches of chip & seal to expose the base/dirt. This will be done on the entire street, both lanes, full width. Other than avoiding the equipment during the day, you will have full access to your driveways. This should take about 2-3 days.
  2. Excavation. The underlying dirt will be removed to the specified depth of 12 to 18 inches depending on the designed depth of the new road. This will be full-width removal. This dirt will be removed and stockpiled at the wastewater plant. A dirt "ramp" will be created at your driveway approach to get you up and over the "hump". This should take approximately 5-7 days.
  3. Subgrade. The contractor will add six inches of road base and compact it. They will roll it and water it until it meets the specified compaction and moisture requirements. This will be over the entire full-width road and there will be some road dust. This will take approximately one week.
  4. Paving Preparation. Forms and rebar will be placed down one side of the street. At his time, the road will be a one-way street. You will still have access to your driveways as they will not install that rebar until the day of paving. I shouldn't have to say this but I will. You must put your trash can on the open side of the street if you want it to be picked up. The garbage truck is only driving down one side of the street. And the most obvious no-brainer, if you try and park your car on the street it will be towed immediately.
  5. Paving. We will pave one side of the street at a time. At least 48 hours prior to the pour, door-knockers will be placed at every house that is affected. On the morning of the pour, prior to 9 am you must get your car out of your driveway. As they start pouring concrete, they will run ahead and remove the dirt "ramp" in front of your driveway and place the rebar. We will be doing a continuous seamless pour down the street.

Wastewater Treatment Refurbishment

During the summer of 2014, the Town performed a total end-to-end rehabilitation on the wastewater plant. The entire plant was emptied, cleaned, pressure washed, all rust was removed, and a special anti-corrosion epoxy coating was applied on the entire plant. In addition, the clarifier was rebuilt using stainless steel, a new pre-treatment chamber with new bar screen, and various pipes and pumps were re-plumbed and replaced while the system was offline. The plant should be relatively maintenance free for another twenty years.  The budgeted cost of the project was $62,000. The project has been completed and the final cost of $49,700 has been paid-in-full using our capital reserve fund.

Lakecrest Water Main

In March of 2014, the Town began replacing the existing water main under the south side of Lakecrest extending from Highridge to Peninsula. The purpose is to expand the under-sized existing line, which will improve service along Lakecrest and add three fire hydrants.